Posted in Author Interview

Author Speaks: Durriya Kapasi

Hello guys! This is my first author interview on this blog. Today I’m in conversation with the brave author of the fantasy Djinn series – Durriya Kapasi. Born in Tanzania, marriage brought her to the beautiful city of Udaipur in India in 2007. She was diagnosed with  Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a type of blood cancer in 2013 at stage 3. She has been through 12 rounds of chemotherapy and after a tedious struggle she has come out a champion in this fight.

Durriya started her writing on the online platform – Wattpad with two novels which were highly appreciated by the reading community. Her first paperback – Once Upon A Genie – is the first book in the Djinn series and has garnered a lot of appreciation from the readers. Her second book in this series – NEVERFOUND LAND released in the first week of December. Both these books were published by Delhi-based publishing house – Half Baked Beans which is known for their interest in young and budding writers.

Durriya has a very warm and charming persona. It was a delight interviewing her and here are a few tit-bits from our conversation:

  1. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Hmm, I think I am a very hardcore writer, I don’t have any particular tantrums, show offs and habits to describe my quirks. And by hardcore writer I mean that I write only when something strong comes in my mind and when I start writing I don’t see time, hunger, household work or anything, I just keep on writing until I get drained. That’s my writing quirk.

  1. What do you do when you are not writing?

I love food, both cooking and eating and I love to read too when I do not write.

  1. What do you think makes a good story?

There are many elements to make a good story but a strong plot is most important one.

  1. What is your writing Kryptonite?

Like I said in my previous question that I am a hardcore writer, It’s not easy to distract me while writing but since I work-from-home then it happens sometimes that a doorbell turns into my kryptonite.

  1. What does your family think of your writing?

They support me. My son and husband listen carefully to me when I talk about my book’s characters. They get amazed often, and also share their views. All over family support is a big motivation.

  1. Do you want each book to stand on its own or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? I mean a lot of readers want to know if it is absolutely necessary to read ‘Once Upon a Genie’ to read ‘Neverfound Land’?

Neverfound Land is a book that can be read on its own. It has new characters and a new angle. It’s just a part of Djinn Series.

  1. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing for the second one?

Writer grows mature with each book he/she writes. I learned many things from my first book, mostly the frail part of my writing, which I tried to improve in my latest book Neverfound Land. Everything from research, plot writing, character formation and I was very particular to make it best and better.

  1. What did you edit “out” of this book?

Not much but still many because of the word limit, my quench for writing cannot be satisfy but the editor and publisher and forced to edit out, that’s their job.

  1. A writer is always a reader first. So what is your favourite under-appreciated novel?

    Gerald’s Game by Stephen King. I loved reading it.


I hope you guys enjoyed this tiny interview. If this has piqued your curiosity, get yourself a copy of Durriya’s latest book – NEVERFOUND LAND. 

Buy here: